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November, the latest single from Ph2, is out!

An instrumental suite that expresses the melancholy inspired by autumn. In the foreground, a resonator guitar played on a bottleneck.



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14:15 Publié dans Actualité | Lien permanent | Commentaires (0)


Good news!

We are proud to inform you that "Season 5" have been nominated for the Official OWMR 10th Awards in the category "Best Progressive Rock Album"!
Verdict: May 27th...
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17:40 Publié dans Actualité | Lien permanent | Commentaires (0)


Ph2 is on the One World Music Radio playlist!

Let's discover the great artists we have the privilege to work with in this playlist.




Ph2 on One World Music Radio

Steve Sheppard has included Ph2's music in his show, The Endless Enigma 31.
Thank you Steve!

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A very positive review of "Season 5" by Soundmagnet

Many thanks to Soundmagnet !


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